GPRS Sniff fixed patch
I started trying out Karsten Nohl’s and Luca Melette’s GPRS sniffing tutorial ( and I found out that because of some changes that were made to the code the patch provided with the tutorial fails to work.
After some searching I found the solution which was pretty much manually fixing some lines of the code and of the patch file. I ended up with a new patch file that works with the latest burst_ind branch of Sylvain Munaut. I put it up here:
Whatever I create during trying out this tutorial will be available at the new repo I created:
June 12, 2013 @ 12:22
What hardwear do you use for sniffing?
June 12, 2013 @ 12:30
Motorola C117 – with OsmocomBB
July 15, 2014 @ 08:54
Hi,I just set the baudrates.. bt whenever i run the osmocon it says “Received FTMTOOL from phone, ramloader has aborted”….. is there any solution??????
Also we require compal_e87… bt compilation of osmocom doesn’t generate it… so I am trying with e88 and e86…..
July 22, 2014 @ 10:03
I had that error, updating osmocom solved it if I’m correct.
Also you need accurate USB timings so don’t use a VM.
Use the right cable.
September 2, 2013 @ 19:28
Thanks for your new patch. It worked for me.
But new problem! after running layer1 on phone
!!! ERROR !!!
!!! Unable to set custom baudrate, please use appropriate cable
!!! ( see wiki )
Do you have any idea?
September 2, 2013 @ 19:34
Well to have the burst_ind branch up and running you need to have a cable that allows you to use custome baud rates. So far only cables equipped with FTDI or CP210X chips support this feature.
However I must tell you even when I used the right cable I wasn’t really able to do any GPRS sniffing, the whole code is buggy and unstable, I wouldn’t really recommend using it unless you know how to fix it.
Good luck.
September 3, 2013 @ 07:28
Actually I use CP2102-25 cable. Thanks for your advice.
October 7, 2013 @ 13:44
Have I understood the osmocombb wiki correctly that if someone uses the CP2102 usb to serial cable, from sysmocom-webshop for instance, then reprogramming of the cable-baudrates are no longer necessary? However in src/target/firmware/osmocon/osmocon.c there is a line where baudrates are defined. Can those values be changed for better results?
October 7, 2013 @ 17:14
I haven’t used the CP cables, but as far as I know they need to be changed to support special baudrates.
Whether it is done by sysmocom or not I don’t know.
October 8, 2013 @ 14:03
Ok, thanx for the reply. I tested gprsdecode with the cp2102 cable that I have but when I run gprsdecode on the burst.dat packages I get failed to open the packet. Maybe there weren’t gprs-data present in my .dat files, but when I use wireshark I see some System information 13 messages which I guess indicate that the network transmit gprs-bursts. Although these SI13 messages are transmitted with reoccurrence often every 80 th frame.Maybe they are just signaling. Strange though that gprsdecode says cannot open the .dat files
November 16, 2013 @ 22:53
Hi there!
i have a problem using the “”, cp210x programmer.
i run ubuntu 12.04LTS.
after downloading the util from the link……running the “sudo ./cp210x-program”…i get….
-desktop:~/CP2102/cp210x-program-0.3$ sudo ./cp210x-program
[sudo] password for jack:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “./cp210x-program”, line 20, in
from cp210x import valuefile, cp210x
File “/home/jack/CP2102/cp210x-program-0.3/cp210x/”, line 14, in
import cp210x
File “/home/jack/CP2102/cp210x-program-0.3/cp210x/”, line 15, in
from usb.util import CTRL_IN, CTRL_OUT, CTRL_TYPE_VENDOR
ImportError: No module named util
This is a python error i believe.
Any clues on this. That program does not run.
Thanks for your trys…..
November 23, 2013 @ 12:22
have you tried installing python-usb:
sudo apt-get install python-usb
December 19, 2013 @ 16:09
Hi Tom,
I had the same problem. The dependencies of cp210x-program are python >=2.4 and PyUSB. I Think PyUSB is missing in your case. I downloaded it from and just followed the instructions described in readme.
November 16, 2013 @ 23:02
my cp210x-device:
Bus 005 Device 002: ID 10c4:ea60 Cygnal Integrated Products, Inc. CP210x Composite Device.
This being a sylabs 2102 device.(marking)
July 16, 2014 @ 18:45
Whenever i try to loading the firmware it says “FTMTOOL from phone, ramloader has aborted”….. i’m using motorola c117….. whats the problem?????
July 22, 2014 @ 10:04
Update osmocom
Don’t use a VM
Use the right cable
March 5, 2015 @ 09:58
Helló Domi!
A sylvian féle burst id , a patch után nem akarja végrehajtani a location updatet..nem megy az adó pedig beálitottam a make file ban ,a tx supportot! Mi lehet a baj? Köszi ! Sasvári Péter
March 5, 2015 @ 10:22
Szia Péter,
Nem tudom miert rontja el a patch a sylvain fele kodot sajna.
March 5, 2015 @ 10:53
Nem rontja el! elÅ‘tte is meghal a location updat nél. mobile.cfg ,makefile jó! a master ,és a testing is jól megy! Egyedűl a burst id rosszalkodik nekem meg az uplink sniffhez kellene…