About me/Rólam

My name is Domonkos P. Tomcsányi, most people call me Domi. I was born in 1992, and am currently researching many different IT-security related topics. Enjoy my blog 🙂

A nevem Tomcsányi Domonkos, 1992-ben születtem. Jelenleg több IT-biztonsággal kapcsolatos projekten dolgozom. Kívánom, hogy a blogom legalább akkora élvezetet nyújtson neked kedves olvasó, mint amennyi szívással a szerkesztése jár nekem 🙂


  1. Tamási Benjamin
    July 25, 2011 @ 22:23

    Magyarul jobb a leírás mint angolul 😀


  2. darxyon
    January 15, 2012 @ 01:05

    I have a siri server running local on my lan. My 4S is working great with my 3GS.

    I want to install this on a webserver so that I dont have to be on my local lan for this to work.

    Will your setup work in this way?


  3. Dan
    December 26, 2013 @ 18:31


    Can you tell what Android devices your SilentSMS code runs on? Also what libraries did you use to build it? Many Thanks.

    Best regards,


    • domi007
      December 26, 2013 @ 18:57

      It should be compatible with all Android devices from 2.3 to 4.3 or something. I personally used it on an HTC One S.
      It uses only Android’s built-in stuff, so as far as I remember it doesn’t need anything special.


  4. Kevin
    May 29, 2014 @ 17:44

    Can I ask which old blackberry device has Monitor mode enabled. So we can used to monitor the GSM infos (AFRCN; TMSI)? Thanks. 🙂


    • domi007
      May 30, 2014 @ 09:17

      Almost any BB device has it, I’m using a 8320 or something similar, you can easily look this info upby Googleing “blackberry enable egieering screen”


      • Kevin
        May 30, 2014 @ 14:33

        Thanks for your reply. I just found it too from a Google search..Which I should done it in the first place, before I even ask. But thanks again, and carry on all the good work! 🙂


  5. rtl_noobie
    January 8, 2015 @ 09:58

    Hey Domonkos thanks for all the helpful tutorials on airprobe and stuff.

    Q: I can decode sms with the key on timeslot 2S but if I try a cell with 1S I don’t get anything does airprobe decode data with other slots besides 2S etc 1S,3S,4S,5S….



    • domi007
      January 19, 2015 @ 01:09

      That means the cell you captured on used Timeslot 2 as Control Channel – which is normal behavior on busier cells.


  6. Hazem
    February 7, 2015 @ 10:14

    Hey Domonkos,,
    thanks for all the helpful tutorial
    I saw your comments in Bogdan airprobe Hopping about GNURadio 3.7 to make it work well self.top_block.set_center_frequency(-freq_offset)

    I did that and decod BCH correctly, but when decode hopping chammel it gives this message
    1423301586.806248 2948582208: gsm_receiver_cf.cc:939 fcch found on position: 165537127
    1423301586.806283 2948582208: gsm_receiver_cf.cc:948 freq_offset: -516.001892
    sch.c:260 ERR: conv_decode 10

    what this mean?? and how can fix
    thankks alot


    • domi007
      March 5, 2015 @ 10:20

      It means that your capture is incorrect. You can try to fiddle with the gain.
      Hopping channel decoding is still hard, didn’t really get it working yet.
      How are you trying to do it?


  7. rtl_noobie
    February 18, 2015 @ 16:09

    @domi007 Cool thanks for the reply dude.


  8. gms_cracker
    September 29, 2015 @ 10:58

    I saw your posts about GSM hacking. But I still have some problems.
    Firstly, I can’t download rainbow tables from torrent, so I need to create the tables. In kraken project, there is a trable generator code. I’ve hardly tried to use it, however, I can’t. Do you know is there any tutorial for generating the rainbow tables?

    secondly, as you explained in your post, one can search for the number of paged TMSI s to find matches with number of sent silent SMS’s we sent. How can I count the TMSI s? Is it possible to count them on wireshark (I don’t mean manually). I mean is it possible to count TMSI s automatically?

    I really really appreciate you for any help 🙂



  9. mess
    November 30, 2016 @ 18:44

    Hi domi!
    How can I contact you?


    • domi007
      April 18, 2017 @ 11:33

      PGP key is up on the blog.


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